TJ Curioso
JoinedPosts by TJ Curioso
New Leaflet to give to JW about TTATT
by TJ Curioso inhi to all my fellows "apostates" in all world... especially in e.u.a.
and uk.. as some of you already know, ex-jw in portugal created a leaflet especialy to send to jw in all the country (individualy or to congregations).
we must say that it was a sucess from the point of view of the impact originated.
London Press Conference on CULTS and UNDUE INFLUENCE - Aug 22, 2014
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtkhwfsnq7o&list=uuz1w0ll081jjiycjb298pow.
TJ Curioso
I have mentioned certain books, on earlier posts adressed to TJ curioso
What books? When I ask about books to help people that are in destructive cults, You only mention the Morelli's book, wich I think is not to help people that are in cults.
I say:
"I would like you to leave here a list of books that you think may help to inform the common people about the destructive sects."
Until now You don't give a single book about what I ask.
London Press Conference on CULTS and UNDUE INFLUENCE - Aug 22, 2014
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtkhwfsnq7o&list=uuz1w0ll081jjiycjb298pow.
TJ Curioso
tJ curioso: read the book from Morelli, a very intelligent, en well educated woman: Titel: the Cult of the Cult opponents...I hope you will enjoi it... But I think it is only avaible in Dutch..
Enzo, this is not what I'm asking for. What I say ask was:
"I would like you to leave here a list of books that you think may help to inform the common people about the destructive sects."
I don't find that title in the web. Can You find me a link?
London Press Conference on CULTS and UNDUE INFLUENCE - Aug 22, 2014
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtkhwfsnq7o&list=uuz1w0ll081jjiycjb298pow.
TJ Curioso
Religious Shunning and Survival
London Press Conference on CULTS and UNDUE INFLUENCE - Aug 22, 2014
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtkhwfsnq7o&list=uuz1w0ll081jjiycjb298pow.
TJ Curioso
Exactly! It's why books like Steven Hassan and others cults expert are necessary to expose and inform to the public how cults work and indoctrine people. It's necessary too that ex-members of cults came to the public expose them. People like Cedars and many others from others cults are doing that job.
Unfortunately there are people like You, that pretend to reduce this work, criticizing or trying to ignore the valid points they raise on sects they criticize and expose.
I would like you to leave here a list of books that you think may help to inform the common people about the destructive sects.
London Press Conference on CULTS and UNDUE INFLUENCE - Aug 22, 2014
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtkhwfsnq7o&list=uuz1w0ll081jjiycjb298pow.
TJ Curioso
Enzo You forget something in Your ilustration. When You climb a moutain You know the risks envolved. The problem is that the majority of persons don't know or cannot identified what is a potencial "destructive cult". The Cult misrepresent itself so the person don't understand the manipulation and the control that is envolved.
And that is the problem with cults! A lot of people don't see JW as a dangerous cult. Others don't see Cientology as a dangerous cult. And so on... It is why many people continue to join the ranks of these groups.
If they have all the information about them, they will join? I think the majority don't! But that information is often hidden. And when the person understand or fill that is something wrong, she is trapped in. And the pain to get out is to much.
When people like me and Cedars, that grow up in the cult, its even more difficult because all our life was built around the religion and have friends, familie, etc. with in the cult.
If You never belong to this kind of thing, it's difficult to You understand. -
London Press Conference on CULTS and UNDUE INFLUENCE - Aug 22, 2014
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtkhwfsnq7o&list=uuz1w0ll081jjiycjb298pow.
TJ Curioso
Enzo I really don't understand Your position in this subject and why You enforce the ideia that the religion as nothing to do with things like shunning familiars, etc. and that this is not "undue influence".
If You have a religious organization that say to is members that is the God's "sole channel" on earth, everything that comes from her is seen as having God approval. EVERYTHING!
Even something like: "don't take a blood transfusion even if Your loved one face the risk of death". Well, if people are able of this, why not do things like shunning the relatives that get out from the religion, as the religion tell to do?
For Your point of view tell me one thing that You think identifies "undue influence" in a cult.
About courts and undue influence see this:
Cults in American Society: A Legal Analysis of Undue Influence, Fraud, and Misrepresentation
(see more articles about cults and "undue influence" here: http://scholar.google.com.br/scholar?start=0&q=undue+influence+cults&hl=pt-PT&as_sdt=0,5
London Press Conference on CULTS and UNDUE INFLUENCE - Aug 22, 2014
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtkhwfsnq7o&list=uuz1w0ll081jjiycjb298pow.
TJ Curioso
Oubliette: exactly what really happened, and this reality only God knows. Because someone is claiming something, don't means that he is telling the whole truth.. in italian we call this type of persons who beliefs everything: creduloni...
Enzo as I said, the experience of Cedars is the same as hundreds or thousands. You don't see a pattern here???
Tj curioso: Leggitimate influence is permissible.. Read my post carefully before making conclusions. i thought that with a university degree you would be better in making conclusions...
I don't have a university degree. I'm still in the university...
I don't understand as You say that a religion that commands parents to shunning is sons or otherwise is considered "leggitimate influence". Incredible! -
London Press Conference on CULTS and UNDUE INFLUENCE - Aug 22, 2014
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtkhwfsnq7o&list=uuz1w0ll081jjiycjb298pow.
TJ Curioso
Enzo the story of Cedars it's the story of hundred, if not thousands of people that left the Watchtower. And because "undue influence" don't exist only in religious organizations that not make it good or permissible.
Have you ever read the review of Steven Hassan's books on Cult news.com?
by Enzo inhi, to everyone my username is enzo, .
recently a saw a video presented by john cedar presenting steve hassan as a cult expert.. .
but read this reviews presented on cult news about steve hassan's books, and it's up to you make your own opinion about the video.
TJ Curioso
Enzo I ask You to see this conference. It's matter for this subject:
London Press Conference on UNDUE INFLUENCE - Aug 22, 2014